segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Psicanálise e Arte - Levantamento Bibliográfico

______________________________________________________________Psicanálise e Arte
Elza Rocha Pinto

1. Trabalhos Psicanalíticos sobre a Música
  • Abram David M.  - Freud and Marx Graf: On the Psychoanalysis of music .  Destacado do livro Psychonalytic exploration in Music - International Universities Press, Inc., Madison.
  • Chumaceiro Cora L. Díaz  -  Richard Wagner’s life and music: What Freud knew. Destacado do livro Psychonalytic exploration in Music - International Universities Press, Inc., Madison.
  • Feder, Stuart; Karmel, Richard L. & Pollock, G. H. (Eds) (New York Psychoanalytic Inst., Faclty members, NY) - Psychoanalytic Eploration in Music: Second Series. International Universities Press, Inc., Madison
  • Ostwald, Peter & Zegans, Leonard S. (Eds) - The pleasures and perils of genius: Mostly Mozart. Mental Health Library Series, Monograph 2 - International Universities Press Inc. - Madison 
  • Ostwald, Peter - Schumann: ‘I was crying in my Dreams’(op. 48, no. 13) - Destacado do livro Psychonalytic exploration in Music - International Universities Press, Inc., Madison.
  • Ostwald, Peter and Leonard Zegans, eds. - The Pleasures and Perils of Genius: Mostly Mozart.  IUP, 1993.
  • Pollock G. H.  - Wagner: Notes on incest themes in Wagner’s ‘Ring’ cycle. Destacado do livro Psychonalytic exploration in Music - International Universities Press, Inc., Madison.

2. Leituras Psicanalítica de Romances

  • Arms, G. D.  Reassembling Bleak House: The Character of Esther Summerson in Charles Dickens: Is There Three of Then?  Literature and Psychology.  39.1-2 (1993): 84-96.
  • Binger, Daniel M. The maimed avenger: A variation of Oedipal fantasy. Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis, 1992, Vol 1 (4) 487-504.
  • Bolster, R.  Balzac in Debt Again: The Sexual Theme in ‘La Femme de Trente Ans’.  French Studies,  45 (Winter '92-93): 9-20.
  • Bolster, R.  Did Balzac Really Discover the Woman of Thirty?  French Studies, 47 (Summer 1993): 19.
  • Dalsimer, Katherine - The Vicissitudes of Mourning: Virginia Woolf an “To the highhouse”. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, vol. 49, 394-411, 1994.
  • Elledge, P.  Byron and the Dissociative Imperative: the Example of ‘Don Juan’ . Studies in Philology, 90 (Summer 1993): 322-46.
  • Halberstadt, H. C.  Freud on Freud, Proust, Perversion and Love. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 74.6 (1993): 1269
  • Hirt, Jean-Michel.  Le saut du regard.'   Psychanalyse à l'Universit'e, 17.66 (April 1992): 69-89.
  • Ibsen, K.  Entre la Espada y la Piedra: Funcion Exegetica de la Figura Femenina en Neruda.  Studies of Short Fiction,  30 (Spring 1993): 135-44.
  • Jackson, Tony E. (Idaho State U.) Turning into modernism: Lord Jim and the alteration of the narrative subject. Literature & Psychology, 1993, Vol. 39 (4), 65-85.
  • Johnson, G. -  A Barbarous Eden: Joyce Carol Oates' First Collection.  Studies of Short Fiction,  30 (Winter 1993): 1-14. 
  • Lester, David & Torry, Rina (Ctr. For the Study of Suicide, BlackWood, NJ). Emotional self-repair and poetry. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying, 1993-94. Vol. 28 (1) 79-84.
  • Lucas, Rose (Monash U., Clayton, Vict. Australia) - ‘Something left over’: Memory and Desire in H.D.’s “Winter Love” and “End of Torment”. Literatyre & Psychology, 1993, Vol. 39 (4), 28-64.
  • Muensterberger, Werner.  Collecting: An Unruly Passion. Princeton UP,1993.
  • Rising, Catharine - Conrad and Kohut: The fortunate Oedipal fall . Psychoanalysis & Contemporary Thought, 1994, Vol 17 (1) 107-120
  • Rowden, T. -  A Play of Abstractions: Race, Sexuality, and Community in James  Bldwin's ‘Another Country’.  Southern Review,  29 (Winter 1993): 41-50.
  • Van Watson, William -  Shakespeare, Zeffirelli, and the Homosexual Gaze. Literature/Film Quarterly,  20.4 (1992): 308-325.
  • Wanamaker, Melissa C. -  (Columbia U., barnard Coll Dept of English, NY) - On Milton ‘Lycidas’  poems - Psychoanalytic Review, 1993, Vol 80 (4) 583-601
  • Wanner, A. -  Populism and Romantic Agony: A Russian Terrorist's Discovery of Beaudelaire.  SSlavic Review,  52 (Summer 1993): 298-317.
  • Wanner, Lyle L.  (Boston, MA)  - Family romance resolution in George Elliot’s ‘Daniel Deronda’. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 1993, Vol 48, 379-397
  • Zangrilli, F.  Pirandello and Alfau.  Review of Contemporary Fiction, 13 (Spring 1993): 215-22.

3. Trabalhos psicanalíticos sobre Cinema

  • Desanti, G. -  Diversity and Mystery: Sexual and Physical Deviance and Ambiguity in the Film of F. Fellini. Cineforum, 33.4 (April 1993): 45-48.
  • Dupeu, Jean Marc. - Chronique d'une Seduction Denoncee. Psychanalyse a L'Universite, 17.68 (Oct. 1992): 123- 43.
  • Dyer, R. - Dracula  and Desire.  Sight and Sound 3 (Jan. 993): 8-12.
  • Farrell, Kirby - Beauty and the Beast of L.A. Massachuseetts Review, 34.2 (Summer 1993): 312- 20.
  • Hollinger, K. -  The Female Oedipal Drama of Rebecca  From Novel to Film.  Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 14.4 (1993): 17-30.
  • Jaffe, J. -  Hispanic American Women Writers' Novel Recipies and Laura Esquivel's ‘Como Agua Para Chocolate’.  Women's Studies, 22.2 (1993): 217-30.
  • Knapp, L. -  The Queer Voice in ‘Marnie’.  Cinema Journal, 32 (Summer 1993): 6-23.
  • Maizels, Neil -  Inoculative Identification and ‘Bandigung’ in Alfred Hitchcock's _Strangers on a Train.  Melanie Klein and Object Relations, 10.1 (June 1992): 30- 45.
  •  D - Violence: The Strong and the Weak.  Film Quarterly, 46 (Summer 1993): 16-22.
  • Rodowick, D. N.  -  The Difficulty of Difference: Psycho- analysis, Sexual Difference, and Film Theory.   New York: Routledge, 1991.
  • Yeats, E. D. - Image and Body: The Optical Alignment of Walter Benjamin and Luis Bunuel.  Journal of European Studies, 23 (Summer 1993): 251-82.
4. Trabalhos Psicanalíticos sobre a Pintura

  • Barricelli, J.-P. Michelangelo's Finito: In the Self, the Later Sonnets and the Last Pieta.  New Literary History , 24 (Summer 1993): 597-616.
  • Blatt, Sidney J. - A Psychanalytic Appreciation of Giotto’s Mode of Artistic Representation and Its Implication for Renaissance Art and Science. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, vol. 49, 365-393, 1994.
  • Esman, Aaron H. (New York Hosp - Cornell, edical Ctr. , Payne Whitney Clinic) Pollock’s “psychoanalytic” drawings and the search for the “inner”life. Psychoanalysis & Contemporary Thoght, 1994, Vol. 17 (1), 129-135
  • Geist, S. - Van Gogh's Ear Again and Again: Psychology of Portraiture.  Source, 13.1 (Autumn 1993): 11-14.
  • Jasnow, Alexander -  Freud and Cezanne: Psychotherapy as Modern Art.  Ablex P, 1993.
  • Meissner, W. W. -  Vincent: The Self-Portraits. Pychoanalytic Quarterly, 62.1 (Jan. 1993): 74-105.
  • .Wiseman, Mary Bitner. -  Two Women by Giovanni Bellini.  British Journal of Aesthetics_ 33.3 (July 1993): 228-338.
  • Wohl, Hellmut (Boston U, Art History Dept., MA) - Refflections of drawings of 1939-1940 by Jackson Pollock. Psychoanalysis & Contemporary Thought, 1994, Vol 17 (1) 121-128.

5. Trabalhos Psicanalíticos sobre o Teatro

·         Abel, O. - Paul Ricoeur's Concept of the Tragic.  Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses, 68.3 (1993): 365-74.
·         Bate, Jonathan -  Shakespeare and Ovid.  Oxford UP, 1993.
·         Charitou, I. - Questions of Survival: Towards a Postmodern Feminist Theatre. New Theatre Quarterly,  92 (Aug. 1993): 225-30.
·         Kirkley, R. B. -  A Catch in the Breath: Language and Consciousness in Samuel Beckett's ‘But the Clouds’." Modern Drama, 35 (Dec. 1992): 607-616.
·         Simon, Bennett  - Recognition in Greek Tragedy: Psychoanalytic and Aristotelian Perspectives.  In: Freud and Forbidden Knowledge.  Eds. Peter L. Rudnytsky and Ellen Handler Spitz.  NYUP, 1994.
·         Weiss, A. S.  - Mouths of Disquietude: Valere Novarina between the Theatre of Cuelty and Ecrits Bruts.  The Drama Review, 37 (Summer 1993): 80-94.
·         Weiss, A. S. - Mouths of Disquietude: Valere Novarina between the Theatre of Cuelty and Ecrits Bruts.  The Drama Review, 37 (Summer 1993): 80-94.
·         Yampolsky, M.  - Voice Devoured: Artaud and Borges on Dubbing. October, 64 (Spring 1993): 57-77.
·         Yampolsky, M. -  Voice Devoured: Artaud and Borges on Dubbing. October, 64 (Spring 1993): 57-77.

6. Trabalho sobre a Literatura em geral

  • Artrières, Michel - Plaisir esthétique et creativité. Topique, 22, 1978
  • Dent, Vivian & Seligman, Stephe (U. California, M Zion Med Ctr, Dept of Psychiatry, S. Fco) - The dynamic functions of the art of reading. Intrnational Journal o fPsycho-Analysis, 1993 (Dc) . Vol. 74 (6), 1253-1267.
  • Ecrire la psychanalyse  -  Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse:  nº. 16, 1972, Gallimard
  • Lee, Nicholas C. -  Variations of the Prophetic Dream in Modern Russian Literature. The Dream and the Text: Essays  on Literature and Language.  Ed. C.S. Rupprecht.  SUNY P, 1993. 284-305.
  • Lincoln, Kenneth.  - Indian Humor: Bicultural Play in Native America .  Oxford UP,  1993.
  • Nericcio, W. A. - Rend[er]ing L.C.: Susan Daitch Meets Borges & Borges, Delacroix, Marx, Derrida, Dauer, and Other Textualized Bodies.  Review of Contemporary Fiction,  13 (Summer 1993): 101-16.
  • Scheibe, Karl E. (Wesleyan U., Middletown) - Varieties of cientific contextualism. Dramapsych: Getting serious about context - Hayes, Stevens C.; Hayes,Linda J.; Reese, Hayne W. @ Sabin, Theodore R. - Context Press - Reno - NV., 1993.
  • ·         Stone-Richard, M.  - A Type of Priere d'Inserer: Andre Breton's Le Verre d'eau Dans la Tempete.  Art and History, 16 (June 1993): 313-35.
  • ·         Young, T. J. - Women as Comic Book Super-Heroes: The`Weaker Sex' in the Marvel Universe.  Psychology, 30.2 (1993): 49-40.

7. Psicanálise, Arte e Adultério

·         Segal, Naomi.  The Adulteress's Child: Authorship and Desire in the Nineteenth-century Novel.  Cambridge, Eng. and Cambridge, MA, USA: Polity P, 1992.
·         Sinclair, Alison.  The Deceived Husband: The Literature of Infidelity and Psychoanalysis: A Kleinian Approach. Oxford, England and New York: Oxford U P, 1993.

                      Psicanálise,Arte e Perversão

1. Trabalhos psicanalíticos sobre Arte e Perversão

·         Cardwell, Guy  -  The Man Who Was Mark Twain: Images and Ideologies.  New Haven CT: Yale U P, 1991.
·         Cordell, Sarah.-  Following the Path of Logic: The Scarlet Letter, The Read A, and the Structure of Perversion. Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory, 2.2  1993): 71- 87.
·         Dalton, A. B.  - This is Obscene: Female Voyeurism, Sexual  Abuse, and Maternal Power in ‘The Dove’. Review of Contemporary Fiction, 13 (Fall 1993): 117-39.
·         Epstein, A. W. -  Notes on Penetrative Identification in Femiphilic Transvestism..  American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 53.4: 353.
·         Foster, D. A.  -  J. G. Ballard's Empire of the Senses: Perversion and the Failure of Authority.  PMLA, 108 (May 993): 519-32.
·         Ian, Marcia - Remembering the Phallic Mother: Psychoanalysis, Modernism, and the Fetish.  Cornell UP, 1993.
·         Kaplan, Louise J. -  Female Perversions: The Temptations of Emma Bovary.  New York: Doubleday, 1991.
·         Krause, R. -  The Relationship Between Drive and Affect in Perverse Actions.  Forum der Psychoanalyse, 9.3 (Sept. 1993): 187-97.
·         Lathers, Marie -   Modesty and the Artist's Model in “Le Chef-D'Oeuvre Inconnu”. Symposium,  46.1 (Spring 1992): 49-71.
·         Leslie, Linda -   The Silence of the Lambs: Hardly Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing.  Journal of Psychohistory,  20.1 (Summer 1992): 47-51.
·         Lugowski, D.  - Genre Conventions and Visual Style in ’The  Crying Game’.  Cineaste, 20.1 (1993): 30.
·         Moorjani, Angela - Fetishism, Gender Masquerade, and the Mother-Father Fantasy.  Psychiatry and the Humanities, 14 (1993).                                                                        
·         Morris, David B. - The Neurobiology of the Obscene: Henry Miller and Tourette Syndrome. Literature and Medicine, 12.2 (Fall 1993): 194-214.
·         Moss, Donald.  - On a Regressive Feature of Applied Psycho- analysis: From Freud's `Leonardo' to Chasseguet-Smirgel's . Creativity and Perversion.  American Imago,  49.1 (Spring 1992): 63-79.
·         Stone, Jennifer - A Psychoanalytic Bestiary: The Wolff Woman, The Leopard, and The Siren.  American Imago 49.1 (Spring 1992): 117-152.
·         Torres, E. R. -  A Perversion Named Desire.  International Journal of Psychoanalysis,  72 (1991): 73-92.
·         Winkler, Mary G.  - The Anatomical Theater. Literature and Medicine, 12.1 (Spring 1993): 65-70.
·         Zeiler, J. - Psychogram of the Auschwitz Commander: Insight and Confrontation through Destruction: On the Autobiography of Rudolf H:oss.  Psyche, 5.4 (April 1991): 335-362.

2. Trabalhos sobre Literatura e Sadismo

·         Carveth, Donald L.  Dead End Kids: Projective Identifica tion and Sacrifice in Orphans.  International Review of Psycho-Analysis,  19.2 (Summer 1992): 217-228.
·         Celio Paniagua - Bullfight - The afición . Psychoanalytic Quartely, 1994 (Jan), Vol. 63 (1) 84-100.
·         Clough, Patricia Ticineto - ‘The Final Girl' in the Fic tions of Science and Culture.  Stanford Humanities Review, 2.2-3 (Spring 1992): 57-69.
·         Derwin, Susan -   Naming Pains: Sadism, Masochism, Sadomasochism and Psychoanalysis.  MLN, 108.3 (April 1993): 472-512.
·         Glenn, Jules - Inner bodily sensation, trauma , and masochism - The vulnerable child. Vol 1- International Universities Press - Madison. Cohen, Theodore B; Etzady M. Hossein & Pacella, Bernard, L.
·         Hunt, Leon -  A (Sadistic) Night at the Opera: Notes on the Italian Horror Film.  Velvet Light Trap,  30 (Fall 1992): 65-75.
·         Masse, Michelle A. -   In the Name of Love: Women,Masochism, and the Gothic. Ithaca, NY: Cornell U P, 1992.
·         Saylor, Douglas B. -  The Sadomasochistic Homotext: Readings in Sade, Balzac, and Proust . New York: P. Lang, 1992.
·         Studlar, Gaylyn -  In the Realm of Pleasure: Von Sternberg, Dietrich, and the Masochistic Aesthetic. New York: Columbia U P, 1992.
·         Turner, June -  T. E. Lawrence.  American Imago, 48.3 (Fall 1991): 395-411.

3. Trabalhos sobre Literatura e Masoquismo

·         Bergler, Edmund - Curable and Incurable Neurotics: Problems f "Neurotic" versus "Malignant" Psychic Masochism.  International UP, 1993 (rpt.).
·         Carveth, Donald L. -  Dead End Kids: Projective Identifica tion and Sacrifice in Orphans.  International Review of Psycho-Analysis,  19.2 (Summer 1992): 217-228.
·         Carveth, Donald L. -  Dead End Kids: Projective Identification and Sacrifice.  International Review of Psycho-Analysis, 19.2 (Summer 1992): 217-8.
·         Foster, Hal. - Primitive.  Critical Inquiry, 20.1 (Autum 1993): 69.
·         Glenn, Jules - Inner bodily sensation, trauma , and masochism - Te vulnerable child. Vol 1- International Universities Press - Madison. Cohen, Theodore B; Etzady M. Hossein & Pacella, Bernard, L.
·         Kaplan, E. Ann -  Madonna Politics: Masks and/or Mastery?  _The Madonna Connection: Representational Politics, Subcultural Identities and Cultural Theory_.  Ed. Cathy Schwichtenberg. Westview P, 1993. 149-64.
·         Masse, Michelle A. -  In the Name of Love: Women,Masochism, and the Gothic. Ithaca, NY: Cornell U P, 1992.
·         Studlar, Gaylyn  -  In the Realm of Pleasure: Von Sternberg, Dietrich, and the Masochistic Aesthetic. New York: Columbia U P, 1992.
·         Turner, June - T. E. Lawrence.  American Imago, 48.3 (Fall 1991): 395-411.

4. Trabalhos sobre Arte e Incesto

Boone, Joseph A. and Deborah E. Nord -  Brother and  Sister: The Seductions of Siblinghood in Dickens, Eliot, and Bront:e.  Western Humanities Review,  46.2 (Summer 1992): 164-188.
Burns, Marie T. - Writing to Heal: Therapeutic Uses of  Creative Writing by Adult Survivors of Incest. Journal of Poetry Therapy,  5.3 (Spring 1992): 135-142.
Kavaler-Adler, S. - Emily Dickinson and the Subject of Seclusion'  American Journal of Psychoanalysis,  51.1 (March 1991): 21-38.
Killiam, Maire-Th'erèse -  La sacralisation de Camille Claudel dans l'oeuvre de Paul Claudel.  Claudel Studies;ei 19.1-2 (1992): 24-32.
Luprecht, Mark - Freud at “Paris, Texas”: Penetrating he Oedipal Sub-Text.  Literature/Film Quarterly, 20.2 (1992): 115-120.
McNaron, Toni A. -   The Uneasy Solace of Art: The Effect of Sexual Abuse on Virginia Woolf's Aesthetic.  Women's Studies International Forum,  15.2 (1992): 251-266.
Middlebrook, Diane Wood. -  Anne Sexton: A Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991.
Naiman, James -  Freud's Jocasta and Sophocles' Jocasta:  Clinical Implications of the Difference.  International Journal of Psychoanalysis;ei 73 (Spring 1992): 95-101.
Panken, Shirley -   Incest’ Rediscovered: Erratum. Psychoanalytic Review 79.2 (Summer 1992): 306.
Powell, Craig, and B. Park -   Robert Lowell: The Search Continued.  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,  26.1 (March 1992): 131-132.
Welch, Dennis M. -  Coleridge's “Christabel” Aversion of a Family Romance.''  Women's Studies, 1.2 (1992):163-184.
Wesley, Marilyn C. -  Father-Daughter Incest as Social Transgression: A Feminist Reading of Joyce Carol Oates. Women's Studies, 1.3 (1992): 251-263.
Wurth, Peter  - Robert Lowell: The Search for the Father or the Result of Trauma?  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,  25.4 (December 1991): 448, 450-451.  Comment on: “Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry” 25.3 (September 1991): 375-382.

5. Trabalhos Brasileiros sobre Arte e Psicanálise

  • Assumpção, Maria Luiza Teixeira de - O Projeto Incosciente de Machado de Assis.  Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, vol. 43, nº. 3/4, 79-105, 1991.
  • _________________________  - O Projeto Inconsciente de Machado de Assis: O morto na vida e obra de Machado de Assis - Mito e Fantasma .  Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, vol. 44, nº. 1/2, 121-135, 1992.
  • _________________________  - O Projeto Inconsciente de Machado de Assis: O Espaço. Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, vol. 44, nº.  3/4, 38-44, 1992.
  • _________________________  - Uma trajetória através dos romances. Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, vol. 45, nº. 1/2, 55-72, 1993.
  • Bouth, Angela Maria - Senhora Dona Sancha Descubra o seu Rosto - Uma aproximação psicanalítica das cantigas de roda brasileiras. Boletim Científico da S.P.R.J.,  no. 3 e 4, 68-89, 1989
  • Carneiro, Claudia Pavani e  Silva, Solange de Almeida  - Kafka: Uma memória que conheceu vida . Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, Vol. 42, no. 2, Mar/Mai - 1990.
  • Chuster, Arnaldo - Notas sobre Psicanálise, Literatura, Bion. Boletim Científico da S.P.R.J., Ano II, no. 04, 1986.
  • Feder, Luis - Creación Biológica y Creación Artística, AnoII, no. 02, 33-38, 1986.
  • Gomlevsky, Rosalia de  - Formação, o Filme. Ano II - 1986, no. 2.
  • Kepler, Selene Ribeiro  - Enigma e sujeito . Tempo psicanalitico XI no. (1) 1988 26-28.
  • Lessi, Mariema Cristófaro Lessi  - A Psicanálise e o Artista. Ano IX, no. 3 e 4, 151-160, 1988
  • Liekierman, Meira - Significado Clínico da Experiência Estética. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, vol. 28, no. 2, 1994.
  • Lima, Jeremias Ferraz - Considerações psicanalíticas sobre os acalantos brasileiros. Boletim Científico da S.P.R.J., Ano II, no. 1, 1986.
  • Lisbona,  Yolande M.  - Da interpretaçãpo dramática à interpregação trágica. Tempo psicanalítico : 100 anos de psicanalise.  VIII forum internacional de psicanálise. SPID - sociedade de psicanalise Iracy Doyle. No. 24: 130-139, 11/1990
  • Manhães, Maria n n - Criatividade em Psicologia da Mulher - Livraria Atheneu, 1977.
  • Mesquita, Samira Nahid de - O inconsciente e o ato criador. TP, 1982 (1) vol. VI 62-68
  • Moraes, José Osvaldo Faulhaber - Sobre a linguagem de Leonardo da Vinci. Boletim Científico da S.P.R.J. Ano VIII, no. 1 , 10-22, 1987
  • Neto, David Azoubel - Mito e Psicanálise
  • Nick,  Eva -  O colecionador de John Fowles - um ensaio de interpretação psicanlaitico - 16-36. Tempo psicanalítico, vol VIII (1,2) 1985.
  • Nunes, Clara Helen Portella - Artigo sobre “Ecrire la psychanalyse”. Tempo Psicanalítico, volume VIII, no. 24: 75-79.
  • _______________________  - Em busca do tempo perdido: Freud e Proust - Sociedade Psicanalítica do Rio de Janeiro. Boletim Científico , 1992/1993. Ano XIV. No. 5 e 6, 15-21, 1993
  • Penna, Antonio Gomes - Razão e Intuição. Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, vol. 39, Jul/Set, 36-43, 1987 (3)
  • Perestrello, Marialzira - Vanguardas Europeias, Modernismo Brasileiro e Psicanálise. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, vol. 28, no. 3, 1994.
  • Saavovaler, José Ricardo  - El Mercader de Venecia. Revista de Psicoanalisis - Asociacion Psicoanalitica Argentina. Tomo XLVIII, no. 4, Jul-Ago, 1991
  • Signorini, M. - Psicanálise e Literatura, uma Aproximação.  Boletim Científico da S.P.R.J., Ano II, no. 04, 1986
  • Viñas, Marcelo Nelson - A madrasta da Branca de Neve. Tempo psicanalitico, X (1): 5-9, 1987